The language generated by this grammar includes Lisp-like prefix expressions such as
Any argument could itself be a parenthesized, prefix expression. The string
Here is an informal description of the language:
Expression | Meaning |
(plus a b) | a + b |
(minus a b) | a - b |
(negate a) | - a |
(sum a1 a2 ... aN) | sum of a1 through aN |
(product a1 a2 ... aN) | product of a1 through aN |
(mean a1 a2 ... aN) | (sum of a1 through aN) divided by N |
All values computed in this language are integer-valued, including the result computed by a mean expression. | The skeleton for your top-down, predictive parser. |
addhaque.cup | The CUP grammar specification file from which a bottom-up parser is automatically constructed. |
TestFiles | The directory of test files for this project | | Contains the main for your top-down (recursive-descent) parser. There is a corresponding ant target tdn that executes the top-down parser on each test file in the TestFiles directory. |
The text contains techinques for this part in Section 5.5
Note: A Symbol type has two components:
- sym
- is the int reflecting the type of the symbol as defined in the sym class. That class is generated automatically in the autogen package when you run the build.
- value
- is the object associated with the symbol. For example, for the number type, this is an Integer object
- Be certainly only to modify the file for this lab. No other files should be changed!
- Beware the use of global variables in either of the files you modify: global variables generally don't work well when there is recursion.
CUP specification for AddHaque: addhaque.cup |
Program ::= File ; File ::= Lists ; Lists ::= Lists List | List ; List ::= lparen Expression rparen ; Expression ::= plus Operand Operand | minus Operand Operand | times Operand Operand | negate Operand | sum Operands | product Operands | mean Operands ; Operand ::= Atom ; Operands ::= Operands Operand | Operand ; Atom ::= List | number ; |