Jeremy Buhler's Home Page

[my picture]

Position: Professor, CSE
Institution: Washington University in St. Louis
Departments: Computer Science and Engineering and Genetics
Office: McKelvey 1036
E-mail Address: jbuhler AT wustl DOT edu
Office Phone: 314-935-6180
Postal Address: MSC 1045-213-1010J
One Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130


Research Activities

My primary research interests lie in analysis of scientific datasets that meets throughput and/or latency goals while operating under constraints on available processing power. My group studies how to best implement these computations on modern, highly parallel computing architectures, including low-power multicores, GPUs, and field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). Utilizing these powerful accelerator architectures effectively raises a number of interesting theoretical and engineering problems in mapping and scheduling of parallel computations to meet performance goals and in the design of programming frameworks to support streaming and modular computation. It is often necessary to modify algorithms, or to invent entirely new algorithms, that exploit the parallelism in accelerator hardware.

Historically, most of my work was on analyzing databases of DNA and protein sequences produced by molecular biologists. The lessons I've learned in accelerating computations on such data have application well beyond bioinformatics, including computations such as network packet filtering, chemical and gravitational simulations, and branch-and-bound optimization. More recently, I've collaborated with colleagues in astrophysics to design real-time, balloon- and satellite-based analysis pipelines for gamma-ray telescopes.

For more information on my contributions, please see my curriculum vitae.

I am a member of the Stream-Based Supercomputing (SBS) Lab.

Selected research products

Selected Teaching and Service Activities

Just for Grins

Jeremy Buhler (jbuhler AT wustl DOT edu)
Last Update: 11/30/2022