ACM SIGPLAN 1997 Conference on
Programming Language Design and Implementation

Las Vegas, Nevada, 15-18 June 1997

PLDI'97 provides a forum for researchers, developers, and practitioners to hear about, discuss, and generally interact concerning the latest practical and experimental work in the design and implementation of programming languages. The conference seeks original papers that focus on practical issues concerning programming languages, in contrast to the POPL symposium, which typically seeks papers on foundations. Emphasis is placed on exciting new directions, on language design, and on experimental results and experience derived from the design and implementation techniques presented.

Topics of interest include:

Submission Procedure and Deadlines

Each submission method described below has its own strict deadline: late abstracts will most likely be rejected by the program chair. Receipt of a submission will be acknowledged to the contact author, who is ultimately responsible for verifying arrival of the abstract to the program chair.
  1. The preferred method for submission is the interactive method .

    by this method are due
    by 5 PM CST
    on Friday, 8 November 1996.

  2. Alternatively, ghostview-readable Postscript may be electronically mailed to

    by this method are due
    by 5 PM CST
    on Friday, 8 November 1996.

  3. Where the above methods are infeasible, authors may submit 15 double-sided copies of an extended abstract to the program chair; persons without access to photocopiers may submit a single copy.

    by this method must be
    sent by airmail and postmarked
    (not metered)
    on or before
    Friday, 1 November 1996.

The first sheet of the abstract - not the cover letter - must include the phone number and street and Internet addresses for the corresponding author. Abstracts must not exceed 5000 words, which is approximately 10 pages typeset 10-point on 16-point spacing. Excessively long abstracts will be rejected outright by the program chair. Papers awaiting acceptance by another conference are ineligible for this conference; if a closely related paper has been submitted to a journal, the authors must notify the program chair.

Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by 20 January 1997. Full versions of the accepted papers must be formatted according to ACM conventions, and a camera-ready copy and electronic abstract must be received by the program chair no later than 3 March 1997. Authors of accepted papers must sign an ACM copyright release form. Proceedings will be distributed at the conference and will appear as an issue of SIGPLAN Notices. All papers published in the proceedings are eligible for publication in refereed ACM publications at the discretion of the editors.

Submission Evaluation

The program committee will evaluate the technical contribution of a submission as well as its general accessibility by the PLDI audience. Abstracts will be judged on clarity, significance, relevance, correctness, and originality. The abstract must be organized so that it is easily understood by an audience with varied expertise. The abstract should clearly identify what has been accomplished, why it is significant, and how it compares with previous work.

The conference will run two and a half days; it will be preceded by one day of tutorials on Sunday, 15 June. Announcement of tutorial topics will be provided in the advance program for the conference and on the Internet newsgroup comp.lang.sigplan. Information is also available on the Wide World Web at

PLDI '97 will be colocated with the Sixth ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP)

Program Chair

Ron K. Cytron
Washington University
Department of Computer Science
Campus Box 1045
St. Louis, MO 63130
voice: +1 314 935 7527
fax: +1 314 935 7302

General Chair

Marina Chen
Boston University
Computer Science Department
111 Cummington St.
Boston, MA 02215
voice: +1 617 353-8919
fax: +1 617 353-6457

Program Committee

Margaret M. Burnett · Oregon State University
Steve Carr · Michigan Tech. University
Sid Chatterjee · The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Andrew Chien · University of Illinois and Hewlett-Packard Labs
Ron K. Cytron · Washington University
Jack Davidson · University of Virginia
John Field · IBM T.J. Watson Research Labs
Bert Halstead · DEC Cambridge Research Lab
Urs Hölzle · University of California, Santa Barbara
Jon Riecke · AT&T Bell Laboratories
Mooly Sagiv · Tel-Aviv University
Ed Schonberg · New York University
Philip Wadler · University of Glasgow / Lucent Bell Labs
Jeannette Wing · Carnegie Mellon University