Lab | Assigned | Due (in class) |
27 | Nov | 18 | Dec |
Make sure the jar files are saved as .jar files! Internet Explorer tried to save them as zip files in CEC
Eclipse, in its eagerness, has probably already tried to compile your project, but there are some things it won't find yet.
Silly eclipse.So don't worry about problems just yet.
USAGE: java demos.DataFlow classfile DataFlowFramework
demos/test.class PCESGraph.dataflow.TestFramework
java -Ddebug=true demos.DataFlow classes/demos/test.class PCESGraph.dataflow.TestFramework
You are to pick a data flow problem and solve it using the supplied software. You are welcome to come up with your own problem, but you must clear that with the instructor before you begin.
Single-person projects include:
Two-person projects
An example bogus framework is given in the files found at PCESGraph/dataflow/Test*. You are to modify that framework to solve your problem.
When you are done, you must submit the following: