CS 102 (Spring 2003)
Programming Contest

Announced: Friday, 25 April 2003
Entry Deadline: Wednesday, 30 April 2003, 7:00 PM (firm)

Goals and Benefits:

All contestants submitting qualified entries will...

The top three entries, judged as stated in the rules below, will receive unusual prizes.


In this semester's CS102 Programming Contest you will spice up your Whack-a-Mole game.

  1. Be sure that your Lab 6 game works. If it doesn't work, doing the rest of these steps won't help any, so you should go back and fix it first.

  2. If you want to go for prizes and glory, you should add new features to your game that will impress the judges. Be creative! (Free images and sounds can be found on the web.

    In lab section, demonstrate your cool client and server to the TAs.

Contest Rules:

  1. Only students currently enrolled in CS102 may enter the contest.

  2. All entries must execute properly. If the game doesn't work, the entry will be disqualified.

  3. All entries must contain only "G-rated" material. Judges will disqualify entries containing inappropriate language or media content (even if it is funny). Disqualified entries will not receive any of the benefits listed above.

  4. Stealing other people's code, images, or sounds is strictly prohibited. All submissions must be your own work, except for the code we have provided for you. Substantial penalties, beyond disqualification from the contest, are involved.

  5. All entries must be demonstrated by the date posted above.

  6. Entries will be judged by a panel of CS102 TAs on the basis of quality and originality. The decisions of the judges are final and will be announced at a stirring but brief awards ceremony during the final exam. Good Luck!

Last modified 20:08:24 CDT 24 April 2003 by Ron K. Cytron