CS 102 (Spring 2003)
Lecture Highlights

[Prof. Ken Goldman's Notes]
Lecture Notes Text Other Resources
1. Introduction CS101
2. Packages and Namespaces
3. Collections (Hashtables)

4. Human Computer Interfaces (HCI)
Inner Classes and Adapters

5, 6, 7. Concurrency and Threads Sun Tutorial
8, 9 Synchronization Sun Tutorial
10, 11 Deadlock Sun Tutorial
12 Confinement Sun Tutorial
Midterm review Review notes Solution
13 Failure (Exceptions)
14,15,16 Interprocess Communication
17 Sempahores (Condition Variables)
18 Serialization, RMI, Reflection, and Oneway Messages
  • Section 4.1

Last modified 09:25:46 CDT 08 April 2003 by
Ron K. Cytron