- Draw a rectangle, rendered on screen (Swing, maybe simulator)
- Touch support: using mouse, pretend to step on a pixel, and
it goes "bing" to tell us it did it.
- Exodus Simulator
- One bad input test
- Show valid case of car moving through intersection
- Show valid case of cars moving through intersection and going
different places
- Show invalid case of car moving through intersection
- Show what happens when a queue is full
- Exodus Algorithm
- Unparseable data from sim people: throw error, quit
- They don't give all the disaster info they need; need at least
one node (safe, danger, exit); if one is missing, can't work.
- Database of results: test for storing a simple result there and
fetching it back
- maybe: basic demo of small net of slow alg
- maybe: basic demo of small net of fast alg
- demo of some communication between the two pieces - send simple message
- ElecTech
- Same we saw before:
- admin log in and instantiate an election
- voter submits preference list <-- verified how?
- run the election (evaluator function?)
- show 3rd party logger -- steram saying what the proceedings were
Last modified 12:03:34 CST 06 November 2006
by Ron K. Cytron