Your course grade in CS132 will be based on a weighted average of the following components:
Studio work (20%)
Your work in studio will typically be undertaken in small groups.
You must be arrive on time and be present in studio to receive credit,
and you must work steadily through the session until the TAs have cleared
your group's work.
You are not graded on how far you get, but on how well you explore the
issues you are investigating.
- Lab Assignments (40%)
Lab assignments are designed to provide practical experience with
central topics of the course. For each lab assignment, you will have
lab conferences with the instructor or TA to explain your design,
demonstrate your working solution and to present of your implementation.
Your presentations at these conferences are part of your grade on the assignment.
Each assignment will have a rubric that details how the
work will be graded.
See the late policy for how turning in assignments late will
affect your grade.
- Exams (25%)
There will be two exams (the midterm (10%) and the final (15%)) to evaluate
your understanding of concepts covered in lecture and in the readings.
There will be a help session devoted to reviewing for each exam.
- Quizzes (15%)
Quizzes will cover material from lecture and the reading assignments. Any question related to the lecture or reading assignments to date is fair game on a quiz.
Quizzes will occur during class (most likely at the beginning or end of class), and may not be announced in advance.
Since attendance is required, a missed quiz will count as a zero.
Your lowest quiz score will be dropped from your quiz average.
Your course grade will be determined approximately as follows.
95 and up A+
90-95 A
85-90 A-
80-85 B+
75-80 B
70-75 B-
60-70 C
50-60 D
below 50 F
Grades will be recorded on Telesis before
the graded assignments are returned to you.
Please check there periodically to be sure
everything is correct. If you have concerns about your grade at any time during the course,
see the instructor or contact the CS132 Head TA.
Please do not direct these kinds of questions to other TAs, unless it is
a question about a lab graded by that particular TA.