- Lecture Attendance:
- Each week's "lecture" session establishes the background, context,
and conversation for the week's work in studio and lab.
These sessions will involve some presentation by the instructor of
lecture material, but they will also include code reviews and
class discussion of the course material.
It is therefore essential that you attend the lecture session.
Random quizzes may be given during such sessions, and these
will not be announced in advance. You must be present to take the quiz.
If you are currently working on a team assignment,
then your team should sit together, so you have
an opportunity to schedule meetings and catch up on any design changes.
- Attendance in Studio:
On most Tuesdays, we meet in studio session in the lab space.
For such sessions, attendance is required to obtain credit for this
portion of the course. Some Tuesdays will be reserved for work on
assignments. While attendance on such Tuesdays is not required, the
TAs and instructor will be present to offer help and guidance, so
you are encouraged to attend.
- Attendance at Lab Sections:
Lab sections are held each Thursday to facilitate your work on
assignments. When a design or assignment is due, you must be present
to discuss or demo your work. For team assignments, all members
of the team must be present for any to receive credit.
Graded labs will
be returned in lab sections, and you will have an opportunity to discuss
written comments with the TAs.
- Exams:
- A missed exam counts as a zero. If you are ill on the day of an exam,
notify the instructor as soon as possible.
The illness must be documented by health services or other reasonable authority in order to make up the exam.
Check your final exam schedule at the beginning of the semester.
If you have another exam that conflicts with the CSE 132 final exam, or if you have three or more exams scheduled on the same day during final exam period, contact all of the instructors by the end of the third week of classes to get
this resolved.