Read these instructions carefully!
- Be sure to put your name on any submitted material.
- Be sure to include your original midterm, unaltered.
- It may be the case that your answer for a given problem is correct, and I simply owe you points back for the problem. If that is the case, you do not have to do the extra work I list below to gain points back. Simply write up your claim for why your stated work on the unaltered midterm should have earned you points, and I will consider that.
You are taking a bit of a risk if you do this without talking with the me (professor) first. If your original answer was incomplete, you cannot gain points back by filling in more detail in this round; you would have to do the make-up work listed below. If your original answer was complete and correct, I am glad to give you the points back.You should therefore talk with me first to see if you need to do the work below, or if it's just a matter of awarding points back to you that should not have been deducted.
- You can submit make-up work for as many of the midterm questions as you wish.
- Submit the work on time, on paper, and in my Bryan 509 mailbox. Do not submit any work to be graded by email.
- By submitting make-up work for the midterm, you are agreeing that the work you turn in is your own work exclusively.
Do not discuss or collaborate with other students or TAs on this work. However, you may interact with me as much as you want on this work. Email is fine or stop by the office.
- If you submit the work by 17 April and there is a problem, we may have time for you to fix things up. Work submitted after that will be considered your final and best effort.
Make sure that your code follows the model/view/controller pattern. Ask me questions if you are unsure how to proceed.
Be sure to address both the wait and the notifyAll sides of this issue.
For each pair of calls, discuss why the pair would or would not work correctly for BlockingQueue. Your answer must be thorough and complete, but not necessarily long. You must identify all of the problems with a given pair, or show convincingly why you know the pair would work.
If your midterm answer was insufficiently complete to do this without making new stuff up, please just say so, and then propose a new answer to the midterm question. You can then use that new answer to discuss the situations.Situations:Your response to the situations depends on your answer to both questions that were posed on the midterm. Be sure to propose one approach for having customers deal with their tickets, and answer the questions below consistently based on that approach.
If deadlock can happen, that's fine, but state convincingly why that is the case. If deadlock cannot happen, provide a reasonable explanation of what prevents deadlock.