CSE 131 Module 5: Methods




We strongly suggest that you proceed one method at a time through the work below, testing each time to be sure what you have written so far is correct.

If you show up for help with a bunch of methods that don't work because you typed them all in before testing anything, we may not be able to help you until you clean up your code and focus on one method at a time.

  1. Write and test the method sumDownBy2 with the following specification.
    PARAMETERS:   an integer n
    RETURN VALUE: the sum of the positive integers n + (n-2) + (n-4) + ...
    EXAMPLES:     sumDownBy2(7) is 7+5+3+1 = 16
                  sumDownBy2(8) is 8+6+4+2 = 20
                  sumDownBy2(0) is 0
                  sumDownBy2(-1) is 0
    At this point you should have run the JUnit test and determined whether your sumDownBy2 works properly. Don't push ahead until you pass that part of the JUnit test.

    Continue the lab in this fashion: write code, test the code, and then move forward.

  2. Write and test a method harmonicSum with the following specification.
    PARAMETERS:   a positive integer, n
    RETURN VALUE: the sum 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + ... + 1/(n-1) + 1/n
    Warning: Think carefully about this method's return type!

  3. Write and test a method called geometricSum with the following specification.
    PARAMETERS:   a non-negative integer, k
    RETURN VALUE: the sum 1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + ... + 1/Math.pow(2,k)

  4. Write and test a method multPos that takes in two positive integers and returns their product.
    PARAMETERS:   positive integers j and k
    RETURN VALUE: the product j*k
    You must accomplish this without using the multiplication operator. Use iteration and repeated addition to form the product.

  5. Write and test a method mult that takes in two integers and returns their product. Each integer could be positive, negative, or zero.
    PARAMETERS:   integers j and k
    RETURN VALUE: the product j*k
    Do this by calling your multPos method:
    • Pass multPos the absolute values of j and k. It should return the product of those positive values.
    • Compute this method's return value based on the result of multPos and based on the signs of j and k.

  6. Write and test a method expt with the following specification. Use repeated multiplication. (Do not use the built-in exponentiation method.)
    PARAMETERS:   integers n and k, where k >= 0
    RETURN VALUE: the value of n to the power k
    EXAMPLES:     expt(3,2) is 9
                  expt(5,0) is 1
                  expt(2,5) is 32

Before you demo, go back to your methods and type in JavaDoc comments above each method declaration. Recall that eclipse helps you do this if you start out by typing /** above a method declaration.

Submitting your work (read carefully)

Last modified 11:27:54 CST 30 November 2012
When you done with this lab, you must be cleared by the TA to receive credit.

If you worked in a team using a group– repository:
  • Your work must be committed in that repository for this demo.
  • Each team member must complete this form and have the TA authenticate.
    For example, if there are two of you, then the form must be submitted twice, so that each person's last name and 6 digit ID is captured with the repository name.
  • The repository name must be included on each of the submissions.

group– Enter the name of your group repository here
Last name 6-digit ID

TA: Password: