CSE 131 Module 3: Arrays


Workspace Update

  • Update your eclipse workspace:

    Note and warning: It is very easy to find a solution to this problem in the Internet. This course does not have as one of its goals making you an expert on finding solutions on the Internet. The goal is to teach you the basic concepts of computer science and programming.

    You are not allowed to copy any code for your solution to this problem! The solution takes some 30 lines of code, so we are not asking you to write an air-traffic controller.

    However, even these 30 lines may be difficult for you to write at first. So, get help from a TA or the professor, come to office and TA hours, but do this work on your own so that you learn the material.

    Be assured that you will not do well on the exam if you do not understand this material.


    Submitting your work (read carefully)

    Last modified 11:27:54 CST 30 November 2012
    When you done with this lab, you must be cleared by the TA to receive credit.

    If you worked in a team using a group– repository:
    • Your work must be committed in that repository for this demo.
    • Each team member must complete this form and have the TA authenticate.
      For example, if there are two of you, then the form must be submitted twice, so that each person's last name and 6 digit ID is captured with the repository name.
    • The repository name must be included on each of the submissions.

    group– Enter the name of your group repository here
    Last name 6-digit ID

    TA: Password: