CSE131 Grading Policy

We recognize that students enter CSE131 with a wide variety of backgrounds. Therefore, CSE131 strives for a non-competetive learning environment. Our aim is to help you learn, not filter you out. To avoid putting you in competition with your classmates, we will not compare students in the determination of grades for CSE131. No "means" are used and there are no "curves."

Your semester score is computed as the following weighted average:
Component Weight
Participation 5%
Studios 10%
Labs 25%
Extensions 30%
Exam I 10%
Exam II 10%
Exam III 10%

Reading assignments are posted before each lecture. Using WUTexter, you can respond to questions at the beginning of each class.

Your score for this component is based on your responding to these questions.

You don't have to get every question right to earn a perfect participation score. However, you must show by your responses that you are prepared for class.
You earn credit for studios simply by participation. The studios are an important component of how material is learned in this course. They are essentially a substitute for lecture, except that you learn actively by doing rather than by listening.

At the end of each studio session, you are cleared by a TA and your participation is automatically recorded.

You are allowed one unexcused studio absence without penalty. Any other absence drops your studio score to zero, which essentially lowers your final grade in the course by one letter.
The course divides into thirds and an exam will be given after each third. The dates for these will be shown on the course calendar and syllabus.

Each module includes practice problems so you can prepare for the exams. Also, a review session will be conducted before each exam.

There is no comprehensive final exam for this course. However, the third exam will be given during the scheduled final exam period for this course.
Each module of this course has a lab assignment. Most labs are graded by the demo you perform in front of a TA. The TA will inspect your code, watch your demo, and pass you on that lab assignment if both are satisfactory.

We reserve the right to inspect your labs for style, and to refuse credit for labs do not meet the style standards for this course. In such cases you may resubmit the work as a late lab (see below).

Labs are due as posted on the course calendar and syllabus.

We realize that you are taking other courses, and that you may occasionally need more time to complete a lab. You are given a certain number of late-lab coupons as described in the late policy, and these are spent automatically when you demo a lab after its regular deadline and before its late deadline.

Once you are out of coupons, no other late labs will count toward your lab score.

Your lab score will be 100% if all labs are completed as described above.

For each lab that you do not complete as described above, 20% will be deducted from your lab score.
While the labs test your basic knowledge of the course material, the extensions serve both to reinforce each module specifically but also to integrate techinques between the modules.

This table shows each extension and the number of points associated with its completion. Extensions are demonstrated like labs, with a TA evaluating both your code and its functionality.

Your percentage score for the extensions is simply the sum of the points you have received for completing extensions.

It is possible for you to earn more than 100% of extension points. Those extra points will be included in your extension score, and thus increase your overall score in the course according to the weight given extensions.
Extensions can be submitted at any of the following times:

Extensions must be paced throughout the semester according to the following schedule:

  • By Exam I, 1/3 of your extension points must be credited. If p is the number of extension points you have by Exam I, then the maximum extension points you can earn for the semester is 3p.
  • By Exam II, 2/3 of your extension points must be credited. If q is the number of extension points you have earned by Exam II, the the maximum extension points you can earn for the semester is 3q/2.
  • Subject to the above limitations, all other extension points are due on the last posted extension fest.

How are grades assigned?

Your letter grade in this course is based on your semester score, computed as described above. The following table explains how the score is converted into a letter or pass/fail grade:
Score Grade
97 A+ Pass
93 A
90 A-
87 B+
83 B
80 B-
77 C+
73 C
70 C-
60 D Fail
0 F