Exam III Study Guide
The following topics will be covered on Exam III:
- ADTs
- What is the difference between a set and a list?
- How can a set or a list be adapted to make a new ADT?
You did this in Module 8 in lab, when you
adapted a list to make a polynomial object.
- What is a Java interface and why are interfaces useful?
- Lists
- What is the organization of the following kinds of lists?
- Singly linked with no sentinels.
- Singly linked with one sentinel.
- Singly linked with two sentinels.
- Doubly linked with two sentinels.
- Given a sequence of code that manipulates nodes with pointers, you should
be able to draw a diagram showing the nodes and pointers before and after
that code executes.
- Given a drawing of nodes with pointers, you should be able to write code
that causes the nodes to reference each other according to the drawing.
- You should be able to write recursive and nonrecursive methods that
compute answers using linked lists.
You did this in Module 9 lab.
Sedgewick offers a set of Linked List Exercises, 4.3.23–4.3.34, on
pages 600–601 of the text.