CSE 131 / 501N (Summer 2014)

Department of Computer Science
School of Engineering and Applied Science
Washington University in St. Louis

Message of the Day:

You can reach this page by Googling: cse131 cytron.
11 June 2014
Welcome to the first, the last, the one and only, semester online version of CSE 131. Let's make it count, people!

About the course: CSE 131 provides an introduction to fundamental software concepts. It is ideal for students considering a major or minor in computer science, as well as for students who want to learn about computing for use in another discipline. See the CSE 131 Course Description for an overview and the links at the left for details.

Robert Sedgewick, Introduction to Programming in Java: An Interdisciplinary Approach

Last modified 21:27:10 CDT 11 June 2014 by Ron K. Cytron