CS 101 (Spring 1999)
Lab 3: Abstract Data Types

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Lab Assigned Design Due
(Mondays 2 PM)
Lab Due
(Fridays 2 PM)
29 Jan 1 Feb 5 Feb
[ Design ] [ Implementation ]


By the end of this lab, you should... This lab contains two parts: design and implementation.

The design is an exercise to be turned in by 2 PM on the Design Due Date shown above.

Your design will be graded, but you will receive full points for turning in anything reasonable. The idea is for you to have one more lab to practice design before points are awarded in earnest.

In Lab, your graded design will be returned. You may then proceed with your own design or adopt the presented design for your implementation.

Last modified 21:09:22 CST 03 February 1999 by Ron K. Cytron