Success in CS101 depends critically on keeping up with the assignments.
At the same time, we don't want you to be stressed out over deadlines.
With this in mind, the the following late policy has been established.
Please read it carefully so that you understand your options. Exceptions
to this policy will be granted only in extreme circumstances, such
as a documented illness
that extends beyond one week.
Quizzes must be taken in class on the day they are given. No make-up quizzes
will be given. A missed quiz counts as a zero.
Exams must be taken in class on the day they are given. If you anticipate
that you must be away from campus on the day of an exam, you should notify
the instructor by email at least one week in advance of the date of the
exam. Include in your email the reason for the anticipated absence and
a list of alternative times when you could take the exam. If you are ill
on the date of an exam, you should provide the instructor with documentation
of the illness and arrange for a make-up exam date as soon as possible.
In any case, you must not discuss the contents of an exam with anyone between
the time it is given and the time you take the exam.
Lab Assignments (on-time)
Your solutions to lab assignments must be turned in to the CS101 mailbox
by 2:00 PM on the date they are due. Plan to start assignments right away,
so you have time to complete them and get the help you need.
Lab Assignments (late)
Normally, a lab assignment turned in after the deadline will not count
toward your lab total. However, we realize that the amount of time it takes
to find all the errors in a computer program is often unpredictable, and
that sometimes you may need to turn in an assignment after the deadline.
Therefore, each student in the course has been issued four "virtual coupons"
that may redeemed during the course of the semester as follows. Spend
these coupons wisely, as no other extensions will be given. You are responsible
for keeping track of how many coupons of each type you have already used.
Two (2) "Late Lab" Coupons: Each of these coupons entitles you to
turn in a single lab assignment up to three calendar days (72 hours) after
the stated deadline without penalty. At the end of the semester, you
will receive a 20-point lab bonus for each "Late Lab" coupon you did not
Two (2) "Lab Rewrite" Coupons: Each of these two coupons entitles
you to rewrite a single lab assignment and turn in the rewritten assignment
no later than two weeks (14 calendar days) after you originally turned
in the assignment. The original graded lab must accompany the rewrite when
you turn it in. The grade on the rewritten lab will be averaged with the
grade you earned on your first attempt at the lab. If a lab demo is involved,
you may repeat the demo for the rewritten version of the lab. Rewrites
will not be permitted for Lab 10. At the end of the semester, you will
receive a 10-point lab bonus for each "Lab Rewrite" coupon you did not use.
Important Restriction: In order to ensure that you are working on lab
assignments that relate to recent course material, at most one coupon
may be used per lab. For example, you may not use both of your
"Late Lab" coupons to gain a six day extension on a single lab. You may
not use a "Lab Rewrite" coupon to turn in a second rewrite for the
same lab. And you may not use a "Late Lab" coupon for a lab, and
later use a "Lab Rewrite" coupon for the same lab.
If the CEC computer facilities are unavailable for an unusually long period,
the deadline for an assignment may be extended at the discretion of the
instructor. However, occasional brief outages are to be expected and will
not result in an extension.
Last modified 10:19:32 CDT 09 April 1999
by Ron K. Cytron