CS 101 (Spring 2000)
Grading Policy

(subject to change)

CS101 strives for a non-competetive learning environment. Our aim is to help you learn, not filter you out. To avoid putting you in competition with your classmates, we will not compare students in the determination of grades for CS101. No "means" are used and there are no "curves." Instead, your course grade will be based an absolute scale that tries to measure how well you meet the learning expectations established by the instructor.  The grading scale for the course will be approximately as follows. Students within two percentage points of each border will be considered on an individual basis. If you are taking the course on a pass/fail basis, 60% is the minimum passing grade.
Percentage Grade
98-up A+
93-97 A
90-92 A-
88-89 B+
83-87 B
80-82 B-
78-79 C+
73-77 C
70-72 C-
60-69 D
0-60 F
Your total course grade will be based on the following components:
Class Participation (5%)
You are encouraged to ask questions and participate in class discussions. If you are confused about something, so is somebody else; he or she would be grateful if you would ask a question to clear up the confusion. There are several opportunities to participate:
  • in response to questions asked in class
  • as a cast member of CS101 players
  • interaction with TAs and the professor regarding class material
The TAs and instructor will decide on your class participation grade at the end of the semester. A standard will be if the professor knows you by-name.
Quizzes (10%)
Because the labs are demanding, homework will not be assigned in this course. However, to make sure that you keep up with material, and to provide you with a mechanism for preparing for exams, a quiz will be given nearly every week. This works as follows.
  • About a week prior to the quiz date, a list of 6 questions will be published.
  • On the quiz date, a die will be thrown by a student in the class.
  • Books and notes are put away.
  • A question very similar to the chosen published question will be written on the board.
  • You have 5 minutes to answer the question.
The questions are intended to be straightforward. If you keep up with the material in the class, almost no preparation may be necessary. The
Collaboration Policy allows you to study in groups for the quizzes, but you are on your own when you take the quiz.
Lab Assignments (45%)
The part of the lab assignment that you turn in will be graded carefully and returned promptly. Please read our comments so that you do not repeat the same mistakes on future assignments. Remember that getting the lab to "work" does not assure you of a perfect grade. Similarly, getting a perfect grade doesn't mean that you can't learn something by reading our comments.

All labs have a demo component, and most have a design component.

Component Weight
Design 25%
Code 50%
Demo 25%

Moreover, please note that TAs will not grade your code unless you have demonstrated it in the appropriate lab session.

Because your design is graded and turned back to you, the code need not follow your original design. Also, you will receive a standard design prior to implementing your labs. The idea is for you to consider changes to your design that will ease implementation.

Just as in an English composition class, it is very important that you take the time to make sure that your solution is clear and well-explained. Follow the CS101 Style Guide and strive for elegance!

Also, be sure that you understand the Late Policy and the Policy on Collaboration.

2 Exams (20% midterm and 20% final exam, for a total of 40%)
There will be an evening midterm and one final exam that will evaluate your understanding of concepts covered in lecture. There will be a review session for each exam.

Administrative Office Hours

If you have concerns about your grade at any time during the course, please see the instructor or contact a CS101 Head TA. The Head TAs will hold specially designated administrative office hours in the Graders Office at the times shown on the consulting hours schedule. At those times, you can Please do not direct these kinds of questions to other TAs, unless it is a question about a lab graded by that particular TA. Thank you.