Department of Computer Science and Engineering

CSE 131 / 501N

Fall 2015

How to take this course

What do you do, day to day, week to week, to take this course?

Staying on track

The day after your video-watching and exercise-completing are done, there is a studio session you must attend. Here you will work with other students, a TA, and the professors to explore the material further
Friday, Saturday
A good strategy would be to work on the current module lab assignemnt over the weekend. Also, start watching the videos and do the exercises for the next module.
Professor and TA office hours are offered as listed on the TA schedule.
If you are in CSE131R (the 1 unit seminar), show up in McMillan G052 at 4 PM.

Last modified 13:22:04 CDT 20 August 2015 by Ron K. Cytron