Department of Computer Science and Engineering |
CSE 131 / 501N |
Fall 2015 |
Your semester score is computed as the following weighted average:
Component | Weight |
Participation | 5% |
Quizzes | 5% |
Studios | 10% |
Labs | 25% |
Extensions | 25% |
Exam I | 10% |
Exam II | 10% |
Exam III | 10% |
- You don't have to get every response right to earn participation points.
- However, you must show by your responses that you are following
- These exercises must be attempted and committed as you go through the modules. The participation points are captured after each module.
We use Google Docs to administer quizzes. The information you supply about yourself, in particular your WUSTL key, must be correct or the quiz will not be counted.
As usual, you must update to see changes made externally to your repository.
- You should do these quizzes on your own, without any help.
- For the quizzes, you can use any resources, online or otherwise, that you need for the quiz.
- However, on an exam you will be limited to a single two-sided sage page.
- It would be wise of you to note what you needed from your resources for the quiz so you can include that on your exam sage page.
At the end of each studio session, you are cleared by a TA and your participation is automatically recorded.
- You are allowed one unexcused studio absence without penalty.
- Any excused absence can be made up with the TAs during their office hours. Prior permission is required from the instructor for the absence to be considered excused.
- Any other studio absence drops your overall studio score to zero, which essentially lowers your final grade in the course by one letter.
- Each module includes practice problems and a quiz so you can prepare for the exams.
- A review session will be conducted before each exam.
- There is no comprehensive final exam for this course.
- However, the third exam will be given during the scheduled final exam period for this course.
We reserve the right to inspect your labs for style, and to refuse credit for labs do not meet the style standards for this course. In such cases you may resubmit the work as a late lab (see below).
Labs are due as posted on the course calendar and syllabus.
We realize that you are taking other courses, and that you may occasionally need more time to complete a lab. You are given a certain number of late-lab coupons as described in the late policy, and these are spent automatically when you demo a lab after its regular deadline and before its late deadline.Once you are out of coupons, no other late labs will count toward your lab score.
Your lab score is the fraction of labs you have completed as compared
to those assigned. Thus, your lab score will be 100% if all labs
are completed as described above.
Extensions are demonstrated like labs, with
a TA evaluating both your code and its functionality. Please read the following
carefully concerning how extension points are counted.
Extensions can be submitted at any of the following times:
For example, if there are 3 deadlines, 1/3 of your points are due at the first deadline,
2/3 are due by the second deadline, and all of your points are due by the third deadline.
Continuing the example, you will be awarded no more than 3 times the points you
have at your first deadline, 3/2 the points you have at your second deadline, and
3/3 the points you have at the third deadline.
Score | Grade Option | Pass/Fail Option |
97 | A+ | Pass |
93 | A | |
90 | A- | |
87 | B+ | |
83 | B | |
80 | B- | |
77 | C+ | |
73 | C | |
70 | C- | |
60 | D | Fail |
0 | F |
It is your responsibility to check your grades and make an appeal, if appropriate, in the alloted time period.
- A request of this nature will trigger a regrade of all aspects of the work associated with that grade. It is possible this review will result in a lower, not higher score. So proceed carefully.
- If the work in question was of a written nature, the work must be submitted with no alteration of the contents.
- A cover letter must be supplied that explains the nature of the reconsideration request.
Appeals made beyond the one-week consideration period will not be considered. Emails or piazza posts concerning regrades past the one-week consideration period will not be answered.