CSE131 Attendance Policy

If you are in the lecture-free section, then you are required to work through the online resources before your appointed studio time. These include short video segments and exercises that you submit for participation credit.
If you are registered for the lecture section, and another lecture-free section is offered, then your attendance in lecture required, and attendance will be taken.
Your maximum final grade will drop one letter for each lecture that you do not attend, unless that absence is excused. Excused absences must be obtained prior to class by email with the professor.
Class attendance is required. When you register for CSE131, you make a committment to put forth your best effort. One obvious expectation is that you will attend class, because the studio and lab sessions follow directly from the material covered in class.

Although a textbook and on-line resources are provided, they are not an adequate substitute for attending class.

Your participation score is based on responding to WUTexter quizzes that are posed during lecture. If you are absent, you cannot participate.

Studio attendance is required. You cannot earn credit for a studio you miss. You must arrange to make up any missed studios with the instructor. To the extent that space is available, you can attend any studio session if circumstances prevent your attending your assigned session.

Attendance in lab sections is also important. Any graded materials will be returned in lab sections, and you will have an opportunity to discuss written comments with the TAs during lab. Also, most lab assignments require a demonstration of your working program in the lab section on the due date. You must attend your lab section in order to give the required demonstration.