CSE 131 / 501N (Fall 2013)
Late Policy

Success in CSE131 depends critically on keeping up with the assignments. At the same time, we don't want you to be stressed out over deadlines. With this in mind, the the following late policy has been established. Please read it carefully so that you understand your options. Exceptions to this policy will be granted only in the case of a documented extended illness or a documented family emergency.

Always consult the course calendar for quiz dates, exam dates, and lab assignment due dates.


Studio atttendance is mandatory, but you may experience situations that prevent attendance. You must correspond with the instructor to get an excused absence from studio, if you wish to receive credit, and that studio must be performed with the TAs during their office hours. You are allowed one unexcused studio absence in the semester. Any unexcused absences beyond that will drop your studio score for the course to zero.


Quizzes must be taken in recitation on the day they are given. We drop your lowest quiz score when computing the averages of your quizzes.

Lab Assignments

Start assignments right away, so you have time to complete them and submit them by the due date. If you wait until the last minute and get stuck, you may have trouble getting help. Also, by finishing labs on time, you will be ready to start each new lab as soon as it is assigned.

The deadline for any assignment may be extended at the discretion of the instructor. The CEC labs may be unavailable for brief periods due to unforseen circumstances. Such outages are to be expected and will not normally result in an extension.

Late coupons: Each student is issued three virtual late coupons for use during this semester. A coupon can be used to extend the time of one lab by exactly one week. No penalty will be assessed for the late lab, but the virtual coupon will be consumed. Using a late coupon is the only mechanism for submitting a lab late, and at most one coupon can be spent on any lab.

Occasionally, you may demo a lab to the TAs, and an error will slip through (i.e., it won't be caught during demo). If a successfully demonstrated lab later fails the automatic tests, you may correct the lab to enable it to pass the tests without using a late coupon. This policy does not, however, allow the demonstration of a lab with known problems. Demo work that you fully believe to be correct. The TAs will check it during the demonstration.

Lab Demos

Most lab assignments require that you give a demonstration of your working lab to a TA. This must be done during a lab section. Normally, you will do this demo during your lab section, but sometimes you may have a scheduling problem and need to demo during a different lab section. In any case, you should complete your demo by the end of lab sessions on the day your lab is due, or a late coupon must be used.

If you are doing a demo in a lab section, you must sign up for your demo at the beginning of the lab section (within the first 15 minutes). This is necessary to avoid everyone clamoring to do demos in the last 5 minutes.