Module | Date | Logistics | Mandatory Preparation |
Topic and Notes | Assigned | Due | ||||
0 Intro
[details] |
1 |
Lecture Hall Steinberg 101 |
2 |
Free |
3 |
Lecture Hall Steinberg 101 |
Lab 0 | |||||||
1 Procedural Abstraction (methods)
[details] |
1 |
Free |
2 |
A,B,C Labs Sever 201 |
Lab 1 | ||||||
D,E,F Labs Cupples II 300 |
Lab 1 | ||||||||
3 |
Lecture Hall Steinberg 101 |
4 |
A,B,C Labs Cupples II 300 |
D,E,F Labs Sever 201 |
5 |
Lecture Hall Steinberg 101 |
2 Recursion
[details] |
1 |
Lecture Hall Steinberg 101 |
2 |
A,B,C Labs Sever 201 |
Lab 2 | |||||
D,E,F Studio Cupples II 300 |
Studio 2 | ||||||||
3 |
Help Session Lecture Hall |
4 |
A,B,C Studio Cupples II 300 |
Studio 2 | Turn in Labs 0 and 1 | |||||
D,E,F Labs Sever 201 |
Lab 2 | Turn in and demo Labs 0 and 1 | ||||||
5 |
Lecture Hall Steinberg 101 |
3 Iteration
[details] |
1 |
Lecture Hall Steinberg 101 |
2 |
A,B,C Studio Sever 201 |
Studio 3 | |||||||
D,E,F Studio Cupples II 300 |
Studio 3 | |||||||||
3 |
Help Session Lecture Hall |
4 |
A,B,C Labs Sever 201 |
Lab 3 | Turn in and demo Lab 2 | ||||||
D,E,F Labs Cupples II 300 |
Lab 3 | Turn in and demo Lab 2 | ||||||||
5 |
Lecture Hall Steinberg 101 |
4 Encapsulation
[details] |
1 |
Lecture Hall Steinberg 101 |
2 |
A,B,C Studio Sever 201 |
Studio 4 | ||||||
D,E,F Studio Cupples II 300 |
Studio 4 | ||||||||
3 |
Help Session Lecture Hall |
4 |
A,B,C Labs Sever 201 |
Lab 4 | Turn in and demo Lab 3 | |||||
D,E,F Labs Cupples II 300 |
Lab 4 | Turn in and demo Lab 3 | |||||||
5 |
Lecture Hall Steinberg 101 |
5 Modular Design
[details] |
1 |
Lecture Hall Steinberg 101 |
2 |
A,B,C Optional Labs Sever 201 |
D,E,F Optional Labs Cupples II 300 |
3 |
Help Session Lecture Hall |
4 |
A,B,C Labs Sever 201 |
you are very much encuraged to work on this lab in pairs or groups, in the spirit of studio. Because of the debate, labs C and F cannot meet today. Labs A,B,D, and E will meet as usual. |
Lab 5 | Turn in and demo Lab 4 if you can. Because of the debate, free extension to Oct 7 |
D,E,F Labs Cupples II 300 |
you are very much encuraged to work on this lab in pairs or groups, in the spirit of studio. Because of the debate, labs C and F cannot meet today. Labs A,B,D, and E will meet as usual. |
Lab 5 | Turn in and demo Lab 4 if you can. Because of the debate, free extension to Oct 7 |
5 |
Lecture Hall Steinberg 101 |
6 Abstract Data Types
[details] |
1 |
Lecture Hall Steinberg 101 |
2 |
A,B,C Labs Sever 201 |
You are very much encouraged to work in pairs or groups, in the spirit of studio. |
Lab 6 | Turn in and demo Lab 4. Turn in and demo Lab 5 if you can. Free extension until Oct 16. |
D,E,F Labs Cupples II 300 |
You are very much encouraged to work in pairs or groups, in the spirit of studio. |
Lab 6 | Turn in and demo Lab 4. Turn in and demo Lab 5 if you can. Free extension until Oct 16. |
3 |
Lecture Hall Steinberg 101 |
4 |
A,B,C Optional Labs Sever 201 |
D,E,F Optional Labs Cupples II 300 |
5 |
Lecture Hall Steinberg 101 |
7 Array Structures
[details] |
1 |
Lecture Hall Steinberg 101 |
Midterm Exam Lab Sciences 300 |
2 |
A,B,C Studio Sever 201 |
Studio 7 | ||||||
D,E,F Studio Cupples II 300 |
Studio 7 | ||||||||
3 |
Help Session Lecture Hall |
4 |
A,B,C Labs Sever 201 |
Turn in and demo Lab 5. Lab rewrite: submit and demo Lab extensions: submit and demo |
D,E,F Labs Cupples II 300 |
Turn in and demo Lab 5. Lab rewrite: submit and demo Lab extensions: submit and demo |
5 |
Free | ||||||||
8 List Structures
[details] |
1 |
Lecture Hall Steinberg 101 |
2 |
A,B,C Studio Sever 201 |
Studio 8 | |||||||
D,E,F Studio Cupples II 300 |
Studio 8 | |||||||||
3 |
Help Session Lecture Hall |
4 |
A,B,C Labs Sever 201 |
Lab 7 | Turn in and demo Lab 6 | |||||
D,E,F Labs Cupples II 300 |
Lab 7 | Turn in and demo Lab 6 | |||||||
5 |
Lecture Hall Steinberg 101 |
9 ADT Representations
[details] |
1 |
Lecture Hall Steinberg 101 |
2 |
A,B,C Studio Sever 201 |
Studio 9 | |||||||
D,E,F Studio Cupples II 300 |
Studio 9 | |||||||||
3 |
Help Session Lecture Hall |
4 |
A,B,C Labs Sever 201 |
Lab 8 | Turn in and demo Lab 7 | ||||||
D,E,F Labs Cupples II 300 |
Lab 8 | Turn in and demo Lab 7 | ||||||||
5 |
Lecture Hall Steinberg 101 |
6 |
Lecture Hall Steinberg 101 |
7 |
A,B,C Studio Sever 201 |
Studio 10 | ||||||
D,E,F Studio Cupples II 300 |
Studio 10 | ||||||||
8 |
Help Session Lecture Hall |
9 |
A,B,C Labs Sever 201 |
Lab 9 | Turn in and demo Lab 8 | ||||||
D,E,F Labs Cupples II 300 |
Lab 9 | Turn in and demo Lab 8 | ||||||||
10 |
Lecture Hall Steinberg 101 |
10 Class Hierarchies
[details] |
1 |
Lecture Hall Steinberg 101 |
Quiz 8 | |||||
2 |
A,B,C Studio Sever 201 |
Studio 11 | |||||||
D,E,F Studio Cupples II 300 |
Studio 11 | |||||||||
3 |
Help Session Lecture Hall |
4 |
A,B,C Labs Sever 201 |
Lab 10 | |||||||
D,E,F Labs Cupples II 300 |
Lab 10 | |||||||||
5 |
Lecture Hall Steinberg 101 |
6 |
Lecture Hall Steinberg 101 |
7 |
A,B,C Studio Sever 201 |
Studio 12 | ||||||
D,E,F Studio Cupples II 300 |
Studio 12 | ||||||||
8 |
Help Session Lecture Hall |
9 |
A,B,C Labs Sever 201 |
Turn in and demo Lab 9 | |||||||
D,E,F Labs Cupples II 300 |
Turn in and demo Lab 9 | |||||||||
10 |
Lecture Hall Steinberg 101 |
11 |
Lecture Hall Steinberg 101 |
12 |
Free |
13 |
Free | ||||||||
14 |
Free | ||||||||
15 |
Free | ||||||||
11 Applets
[details] |
1 |
Lecture Hall Steinberg 101 |
2 |
A,B,C Studio Sever 201 |
D,E,F Studio Cupples II 300 |
3 |
Help Session Lecture Hall |
4 |
A,B,C Labs Sever 201 |
Turn in and demo Lab 10 | |||||||
D,E,F Labs Cupples II 300 |
Turn in and demo Lab 10 | |||||||||
5 |
Lecture Hall Steinberg 101 |
6 |
Free |
Submit programming contest entries by 6 PM | ||||||
12 Conclusion | 1 |
Lecture Hall Steinberg 101 |
2 |
Labs Sever 201 |
Drop by Sever Labs 1-5:30 to demo and submit your extensions |
3 |
Labs Sever 201 |
Drop by Sever Labs 1-5:30 to demo and submit your extensions |
4 |
Labs Sever 201 |
Drop by Sever Labs 1-5:30 to demo and submit your extensions |